Baby (6-12 months old)

6 Wordless Books to Spark the Imagination

Wordless Books to spark the Imagination

For a little kid, it can be difficult to sit still long enough to read an entire book. Sometimes the words just get tangled in their brains and they'd rather move on to something more interesting and hands on. That's where wordless picture books come in! Looking at a wordless book with your kids can […]

Tips to make weaning easier for you and your baby!


Whenever you start to give your baby anything to supplement their feeding sessions at your breast, it is called weaning. Unless it's an emergency situation, weaning is best for you and your baby if done gradually. It depends on how much milk you are producing and how quickly you cut them down to know how long it will take to […]

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Facts About TV and Kids

good bad and ugly

A hot topic that needs to be addressed these days is about the relationship kids have with TV. Television in the 21st century has a completely different meaning than it did previously. People's go-to topics are usually about movies, TV shows, competitions on the screen or what's trending in the news. The question is no longer […]

Awesome Baby Hair: Tips For First Haircut

A kids first haircut can be a pretty traumatic experience. Having a stranger come at you with a pair of scissors can be a terrifying experience if their aren't prepared. Here's a few quick tips: 1. Give them warning ahead of time. Let them watch you getting a trim or maybe play hairdresser in front […]

Kids Clothes: Then And Now

clothes through time

Do you remember when you were little, looking at old family pictures and thinking how funny your parents dressed when they were younger? Styles come in and go back out. I remember a pair of wedge shoes I wanted when I was a teenager that my mom really didn't like. She had some that were similar at […]

Kid Friendly Christmas Tree Alternatives

kid friendly

One struggle every parent of young children have at Christmas time is how to maintain a Christmas tree throughout the entire season when little hands are made for destruction. Here are a few kid friendly tree alternatives and some they can help create if they are a bit older. These trees made of felt are actually […]

10 Interesting Facts About Kids You Probably Didn’t Know

Children are these wonderful, questioning, fulfilling, exasperating, inspiring, exhausting, loving, little people that enter our lives and change them forever. Here are some little known facts about them. As you read, you will probably be nodding your head and thinking, 'Well, that makes sense.' 1. 2. 3. 4.  5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.   

33 Photos That Prove Children Can Sleep Anywhere

33 photos

Being a kid is real work and there are times you just need to take a moment and close your matter where you are. Even if your kids struggle to take naps at regular times, there will come that time when they just can't help but give in to fight. Between being too tired to bother […]