Kids should be allowed to be bored. Experts agree that constantly entertaining your kids is not necessarily a good thing.


In an interview done by Dr Teresa Belton with a writer and an artist, she was told that their state of boredom often lead to them being creative in their youth and adulthood.

"Lack of things to do spurred her to talk to people she would not otherwise have engaged with and to try activities she would not, under other circumstances, have experienced..."

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Dr. Belton also notes that boredom can often feel uncomfortable in a society that encourages so much stimulus. These days kids often go directly to a screen to fill their need for entertainment. Part of being creative includes developing internal stimulus. Without these internal responses to handle boredom, sometimes kids will instead fill their time with destructive activities.

"Children need to have stand-and-stare time, time imagining and pursuing their own thinking processes or assimilating their experiences through play or just observing the world around them."

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She concludes that for creativity to happen, we need to slow our pace and limit screen time.