If you want to do something special with your kids this St. Patrick's Day, why not try a scavenger hunt?

Get your kids dressed as green as they can while you hide gold coins (the yummy ones from chocolate) all over your flat or garden. Then everybody gets one of our St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt sheets so that they know how many coins they can find.

pic scavenger hunt

Download our free template to get your scavenger hunt started.

And off they go, looking for their golden treasure at the end of the rainbow. This version is very easy so even the little ones can take part. Whenever they find a coin, they run back to their sheet and place it there. Whoever found all nine coins first, wins the game.

If you want to make it a little more difficult, add riddles and clues for the kids to guess the hiding places.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!