Having a baby is obviously a life changing experience and for mama, a body changing experience as well. Getting back in shape after your baby is born can be difficult when so much of your time is spent holding, taking care of and getting to know your new little one. But why not multitask and use baby bonding time in combination with workout time. This mama shows how you can really use any opportunity to get fit while still connecting with your baby.

These days there are many options for a mama to get fit while her baby is still young. Mommy and me classes are very popular and offered many places. Some even incorporate ballet while baby wearing.


If you don't find the time to go out and participate in a class don't despair! Here are a few weight lifting moves you can try with your baby at home.

weight lift your babyAnd if you have a jogging stroller don't feel limited to running. Here are a few ideas to make the most of stroller time.

baby-workoutWhatever you decide to do, the most important thing is that you enjoy the time with your new baby and then try to incorporate some healthy activity.