Ahoy, matey! All hands on deck! Jump aboard this simple adventure that will leave your kids with their own floating boat.

cork boatsFor this easy project we just used a few items from the junk drawer.

cork boat 2

  • Three corks
  • String
  • Two rubber bands
  • Construction paper
  • A twist tie

cork boat 3Rubber band the three corks together. Tie a string at the end to pull your boat. Cut a triangle for your sail. Put a twisty or a toothpick through the paper and between the corks.

cork boat 4We tested it out and sure enough, it floats!

cork boat 5This took only a few minutes to make so we thought we'd make two. Have your kids play with them in the bath or even sail them on a lake or pond. You can have races to see whose boat goes furthest. Just don't land on the rocks or you'll be searching for sunken treasure at the bottom of the sea!