Month: February 2016

Barbie’s New Look

diverse barbie

For years now we heard people talking about Barbie and the idea that she promotes body image issues with her unrealistic proportions and 'perfection.' Barbie sales in the last years have reflected this mentality with steadily dropping numbers. Mattel has finally come up with a solution by diversifying Barbies body type, height and skin tones. She now […]

Inspiring Creativity With Paint


Creativity is a skill that is key in living a successful life no matter what area. Working to develop it in childhood gives a major advantage later in life. Here's one example in Aelita Andre, a little girl who's paint exhibitions have been featured in London and New York. Some of her paintings have been […]

Your Starry Imagination

star stories

Most ancient cultures from the Greeks to the Native Americans had traditions where they would look up at the night sky and associate stories with shapes they saw in the stars. Here's a sweet, evening activity to do with your kids ages two and up. You need binoculars or a telescope. Bring your little one […]

Make Your Own Water Xylophone

water xylophone

Need a quick distraction on a busy day? This is a fun project for kids about five years or older. Take a few different glass bottles and fill them to different levels with water. Put a little food coloring in each bottle to make it even more exciting. If you want, hang the bottles from […]