As your baby grows, it's normal for you to be concerned that they are hitting milestones. With so many transitions in the first year it can be difficult to keep up. Not only doesn't your baby's calorie count need to increase but also change in the kinds of foods. So what do you do when you're worried that they aren't gaining weight fast enough?

First, make sure that it's a legitimate concern. Baby's weight could plateau at this stage as they become more mobile and burn a lot of calories.

Baby eatingFood Type

Until your baby is 4-6 months, they only consume breast milk or formula. Then, solids are added in the form of cereal or pureed vegetables and fruits. One new food should be introduced each week. By 10 months, they should have a varied fruit/vegetable diet and be starting on yogurt and cheese. They should continue with formula or breast milk until 1 year.


You could consider table foods at this point as well. Try to offer a carbohydrate, fruit/vegetable and protein at each meal for balance. Offer a perfered food at each meal along with a new choice. Don't get discouraged if they don't take to it right away. This is normal and you should keep trying.

Monitor your baby closely the first times they are trying new foods. Make sure it is small enough, soft enough and moist enough. Try to introduce green vegetables, small cut apples and small noodles along with finger foods they are already familiar with.



Your 10 month old baby should be eating around 3 meals a day with bottles or nursing sessions in between. Replacing liquids with solid foods and increasing the amount of feeding times are steps you can take if your baby isn't gaining weight.


Food First

As your baby approaches their first birthday, solid food should increase dramatically compared to the beginning. Feed the solid food first and then formula or breast milk if they are having trouble gaining weight.


While the need for more food increases, babies still have a small stomach and can only eat so much at a time. Increasing the amount of times you feed a day can be more helpful then upping portions.




  • It's important not to focus of the amount as much as to make sure it's a positive experience.
  • Eat with your baby so they can observe you eating and have  sense that meal time is important, not to be rushed.
  • Make sure the foods you offer are squishable rather than chewable before swallowing.
  • Safe food choices are those that they can hold in their fist.


Medical Help

If you've tried these steps and don't see a weight increase, talk to your pediatrician. There might be a cause that can't be outwardly seen.