Pumpkin carving, Jack O Lantern, Trick or Treat are all synonymous with Halloween but do you know the origins of Halloween?  This holiday dates back many, many years.  

Meaning of the word Halloween

The literal meaning of the word Halloween is ‘hallowed evening‘, and previously known to early European celebrators as ‘All Hallows’ Eve‘ .   Both Hallows’ Even and All Saints` Day (1st November) pay homage to saints and eventually the name was shortened to what we know it today – Halloween.

Origins of Halloween & Activities

Halloween is celebrate on 31st October because of the ancient Gaeltic festival of Samhain.  This period of the year, marked the change of seasons, but it was believed that the boundary between this world and the world of the dead became thin, which made it easier to connect with the dead.

But what about the activities surrounding Halloween? 

It is believed that Celts celebrated in costume as a form of disguise from ghosts and made lanterns by hollowing out gourds (how jack-o-lantern originated).

As Christianity took over, the pagan traditions faded away, and the basic traditions remained as we know them today.  The mystical rituals once celebrated have evolved into more lighthearted fun and games.

Origin of Costumes & Trick or Treat

Back in the day, many people dressed up as saints and sang songs or verses from door to door.  Children would go from door to door asking for ‘soul cakes’ (similar to biscuits).  The concept of trick or treat became popular in the US in the early to mid-1900s.

Throughout the years, Halloween costumes evolved too.  It were two young Scottish and Irish pranksters that had the idea to dress up in scary-looking clothes rather that the saints costumes typically worn. Just like that Halloween costumes became scary, funny and sometimes even very creative.

Halloween Now

Halloween has kept its popularity mainly in the United States, whereby household are decorated and trick or treating is a big thing.  It not a public holiday in the United States and it is business as usual, however after work, you can see many children going round the neighborhood – trick or treating.  It is celebrated with family and friends.

Halloween in Europe

In Europe Halloween is not celebrated in as much fanfar like in the United States.  Popular European countries that celebrate Halloween are the United Kingdom, Dublin – Ireland, Transylvania – Romania, Prague – Czech Republic and Edinburgh – Scotland.   A destination gaining popularity during this time of year is Disneyland Paris Resort and Peppa Pig World

Halloween in Malta

In Malta for example  Halloween has only gained popularity in last couple of years. Malta being a Catholic church, Halloween is seen as a pagan feast that goes against its teaching of celebrating life.

Notwithstanding, it has started gaining more popularity and it has become more common to have children go trick or treating and homes to be decorated.  It is customary that children knock only on front doors that a decorated.  Therefore if you would like kids to come knocking on your door, make sure your front door is decorated and you are stocked up with candy.

Some Local Councils in Malta have jumped on the Halloween festivity and have started organizing Halloween activities  with the aim of providing safe trick or treat.  Two localities that are renowed for their popularity of trick or treat are Swieqi and Pembroke.    

How To Celebrate Halloween With Kids


First of all make sure that you don’t miss any Halloween parties that are organized for children at different venues in your city.  As Halloween grows its popularity World Wide. 

To let your kids enjoy Halloween at home, you could try and introduce some fun ideas to entertain kids during this time of year and in particular making Craft with them, make the Food extra spooky, decorate your House, and get lovely Costumes for them. 

Halloween time, Fun time for your kids and your Family. Don’t worry if you don’t believe in it. Just enjoy the events and let your kids have fun with their kids. You can explain it to your kids why you don’t believe it and still let them enjoy the days with their friends. You never know, you might change your mind. Childhood is all about fun and kids love to get dressed and always can’t wait for parties. 


Happy Halloween to you and your Family!