If you have a toddler in the house, you might have heard of the show Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. This show is a spin off of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood in an animated setting but with a few of the old characters and themes.


If you are one of those parents who knows too much tv isn't good for your kids but still plops them down every once in a while to have a moment for yourself, never fear! This show has been researched and found to be helpful in getting kids to deal with their emotions in a healthy way!

A Texas Tech University study showed that kids that watched Daniel Tiger instead of nature shows had higher levels of empathy and self confidence in social scenarios after just a few weeks. The key to the benefits though was that parents then talked with their kids about the shows lessons.boys-watching-tv

I've had friends say their preschooler's are able to verbalize their emotions more clearly after watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. As that is a struggle for all toddlers and can lead to many a temper tantrum, I think we can take any help we can get!

Daniel Tiger also addresses other challenging skills like potty training and brushing teeth.

Just remember, to access the benefits of emotional and social development, the lessons have to be reinforced separately and often by the parents!