Hey parents, are you looking for some winter indoor activities for your kids? How about doing some winter crafts together? This easy winter crafts for kids will make for a fun afternoon for sure 🙂 …

Easy Winter Mitten Craft

Craft For kids

For this nice winter craft activity you will need some cotton, a piece of cord and some cardboard.

Cut out the shape of mittens and some nice shapes to decorate them. Fix the cotton and the cord and your easy winter mitten craft is done.

Paper Plate Snowman

Winter Craft for Kids

For this winter craft you will need a paper plate, four buttons, some painting color and artificial snow or something similar.

Fix the buttons on the plate and draw the snowman’s nose and mouth so that a face results. Then sprinkle the plte with the artificial snow and your paper plate snowman is done.

Sparkly Snowflakes

For this sparkly snowflake you will need some wooden spatula, painting color and glittering ornaments.

Color the spatula and glue them star-shaped on top of each other. Fix the glittering ornaments and your snowflake looks amazing.

Stick Snowman Craft

For this funny snowman craft all you need are wooden spatula, googly eyes, cardboard, painting color and a cord.

Fix the spatula by gluing a spatula across the others. Now paint the upper part wich is the snowman’s hat in black and the rest in white. Fix the googly eyes, the nose and the mouse which you cut out from cardboard before. Decorate the hat with a beautiful star or anything else you like. Finally, fix the cord on the back so you can hang up the snowman.

Paper Polar Bear Mask

Winter animals craft

For this cute polar bear mask you will need white cardboard, crepe paper, a big black pom-pom and a yogurt cup or something similar.

Cut out the bear’s head. Then cut out his eyes which have to be placed so that you’ll can see through them. Cover the polar bear’s face with crepe paper and fix the yogurt cuo and the pom-pom as his nose. Ready is your polar bear mask!

Egg Carton Penguins

All you need for this cute penguins are an egg carton, cardboard, black painting color and googly eyes.

Cut out egg carton pieces and color them black. Cut out the penguin’s feet, beaks and bellies and fix everything on the egg carton. Done!

Winter Tree Finger Paint

Winter finger print tree for kids

For this beautiful winter tree finger paint you will need a piece of cardboard and finger paint.

Draw a bare tree with brown color. With your fingers cover its branches, the ground and the air with many white snowflakes. So easy, isn’ it?

Popsicle Stick Snowmen Craft

Snow man craft

Let’s build snowmen out of popsicle sticks! For this craft you will need popsicle sticks, buttons, pipe cleaner, googly eyes, pencils and fabric ribbon.

Glue the buttons, the ribbon, the eyes and the pipe cleaner on the sticks as you see on the picture. With the pencils draw the snowmen’s noses and mouthes and this nice winter craft is done!