Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Kids need energy to concentrate at school or to jump around on the playground, so it's no wonder that parents want them to have a proper breakfast every morning.

This father takes breakfast very seriousy too, but also takes into consideration the time factor. Less time spent at breakfast equals more time to spend on engineering projects.

Together with his daughter, he constructs a cereal eating machine and thereby inspires her with engineering. Clear message here: you don't need to be a princess, you can get as dirty as you want and tinker around in Daddy's garage. Find out what this funny looking tool is for or imagine a machine that everybody dreams of - and build it!

The whole cereal eating machine project went terribly wrong but that doesn't matter at all because what counts is that this Dad and his daughter had enormous fun throughout it all.

cereal eating machine

Watch this video to get inspired by their special father-daughter relationship.